Adult Protective Services
Adult Protective Services (APS) receives and investigates reports of abuse, neglect, and exploitation of adults 60 years of age or older and incapacitated adults age 18 or older. If protective services are needed and accepted by the individual, local APS workers may arrange for a wide variety of health, housing, social and legal services to stop the mistreatment or prevent further mistreatment. Services offered may include home-based care, transportation, adult day services, adult foster care, nutrition services and legal intervention in order to protect the adult. Services may also be arranged for individuals in emergency situations who lack the capacity to consent to services.
To report suspected adult abuse, neglect, or exploitation, call your local departments of social services or the 24-hour, toll-free APS hotline at: (888) 832-3858.
(888) 832-3858, or complete an online report.
Mandated Reporter Training
Click here to start the TrainingThis course should be accessed via Google Chrome
E-learning for mandated reporters of adult abuse, neglect or exploitation
as identified in § 63.2-1606 of the Code of Virginia
Learn More
Adult abuse, neglect, or exploitation is a growing problem. Help educate your friends, family, and community about this issue by sharing the resources and information on this page.
APS Infographic (Color) 2023
Doing Our Part Interactive
Doing Our Part Interactive - Alternate Languages
(Amharic, Arabic, Chinese, Korean, Persian, Spanish, Tagalog, Urdu, and Vietnamese)