Employment Service Organizations

There are over 85 community rehabilitation programs (CRPs) throughout the state of Virginia who are approved by the Department for Aging and Rehabilitative Services (DARS) to provide an array of employment related services to individuals with disabilities. The organizations, known by DARS as Employment Service Organizations (ESOs), operate primarily for the purpose of providing employment and vocational rehabilitation services to individuals with disabilities. Such services may be provided separately or in combination with other rehabilitation services.

Visit our ESO Interactive Directory to find contact information and more details about Employment Service Organizations.

Becoming a DARS Provider of Supported Employment Services

DARS hosts Quarterly New Provider Workshops for organizations that are interested in partnering with the Division of Rehabilitative Services to provide Supported Employment services for individuals who meet DARS eligibility criteria. Orientation participation is required prior to submitting a vendor application.

It is highly recommended that the DARS website be reviewed for more information prior to participating in the orientation process. It is also recommended that research be completed on the types of services that the Agency provides, CARF requirements, Employment Service Organization (ESO) Scorecards, LTESS, Medicaid Waiver, and Service Needs of the Agency, to determine your organization’s uniqueness.

Workshops are available from 10:00 am to 12:00 pm on the following dates.

Part 1 – February 15, 2024 and Part 2 – February 16, 2024
Part 1 – April 25, 2024 and Part 2 – April 26, 2024
Part 1 – September 19, 2024 and Part 2 – September 20, 2024
Part 1 – November 14, 2024 and Part 2 – November 15, 2024

Please contact Anita Mundy, Provider Program Specialist, at (757) 793-9349 or
Anita.Mundy@dars.virginia.gov to request to participate in a scheduled orientation.

CARF: The Rehabilitation Accreditation Commission

The Department of Rehabilitative Services is required by Federal and State mandates to establish and monitor standards for Employment Service Organizations providing vocational services to persons with significant disabilities. In September 1998, DARS established that CARF Accreditation/ Standards would be used for Virginia Employment Service Organizations providing vocational services to consumers. For information on CARF - The Rehabilitation Accreditation Commission, visit http://www.carf.org/
CARF logo

Employment Service Organization Steering Committee

The Employment Services Organization Steering Committee (ESOSC), as established in § 51.5-169.2, Code of Virginia, shall report to and advise the Commissioner on policy, funding, and the allocation of funds to employment services organizations (ESOs) for Long Term Employment Support Services and Extended Employment Services pursuant to § 51.5-169.1, Code of Virginia, as well as all other services of which ESOs are current or proposed vendors.

ESOSC Bylaws | Electronic Meeting Policy | Related Legislative Code | LTESS/ESS Policy

2024 ESOSC Public Meeting Notice

2024-07-09 ESOSC Meeting Live

DARS will be live streaming the ESOSC Meeting scheduled for July 9, 2024. This meeting will still be conducted in-person beginning at 10:30am at DARS Central Office and the public is welcome to attend in-person if they choose to do so.

Please be advised that this is not considered an electronic meeting under FOIA.

DARS has extended the deadline for public comment until July 8, 2024. As a member of the public, if you wish to make a comment during the meeting you have three options:

  1. If a member of the public chooses to make public comment during the meeting via the webinar, this must be arranged through Anita Mundy prior to 5:00pm July 8, 2024.
  2. If a member of the public chooses to make public comment via email, it must be submitted to Anita Mundy by 5:00 pm on July 8, 2024.
  3. If a member of the public chooses to make public comment in-person during the meeting, they must sign up to do so the day of the meeting.

Link to the webinar:
Passcode: 262672
Or One tap mobile : +16468287666,,1603288772# US (New York)

2024-07-09 ESOSC DRAFT Meeting Agenda
2024-04-02 ESOSC Finalized Meeting Minutes
2024-01-09 ESOSC Finalized Meeting Minutes
2023-10-10 ESOSC Finalized Meeting Minutes
2023-07-11 ESOSC Finalized Meeting Minutes

2023-04-11 ESOSC Finalized Minutes

2023-01-10 ESOSC Finalized Meeting Minutes

2022-10-11 ESOSC Final Meeting Minutes

2022-07-12 Finalized Meeting Minutes

2022-04-12 ESOSC Finalized Meeting Minutes

2022-01-11 ESOSC Finalized Meeting Minutes

Meeting Minutes and Documents from previous ESOSC meetings may be accessed through this link.