Overall Outcome Impact

DRS Brain Injury Services Programs Annual Scorecard-2025

Brain Injury Services Program Community Impact Independent Living Residential Productive Activity Emotional/Behavioral Health Info
Brain Injury Association of Virginia NG NG NG NG NG
Brain Injury Connections of the Shenandoah Valley E E E E E
Brain Injury Services of SWVA E E E E E
Brain Injury Services, Inc. E E E E E
Community Brain Injury Services (formerly CFF) E E E E E
Eggleston Services / Beacon House NG B NG B NG
No Limits Eastern Shore E E E E E
The Bridge Line / BridgeLine Place E M NG NG NG
Virginia Supportive Housing NG NG NG NG NG
Exceeds Expectation
Meets Expectation
Below Expectations
Greater than or equal to 75% of individuals who have a personal goal to increase their ability.
50-74% of individuals who have a personal goal to increase their ability.
Less than or equal to 49% of the individuals who have a personal goal to increase their ability.

E = Exceeds (greater than or equal 75%), M = Meets (50-74%), B = Below (less than or equal 49%), N/A = Not Applicable, FS = Failed to Submit NG = No Goals Recorded